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Parts of the Trumpet Fingerings Tips History of the Trumpet Duets Trumpet Repertoire
The Greatest Classical Trumpet Players The Greatest Jazz Trumpet Players

Below are tips and videos related to becoming the best Trumpet player you can be!:

Check out this page showing the parts of the trumpet
(including inside the valves!)

Check out this page showing the fingering charts for the Trumpet

Trumpet Tips! (top):
Trumpet Care: This page tells how to care for your trumpet: Trumpet Care
Trumpet Tips: This page offers tips on holding your trumpet, note cut-offs, use of your air and more: Trumpet Tips
Trumpet Tips
    - sound
This page offers tips on improving your trumpet sound: More Trumpet Tips
Trumpet Exercises and More: This page shows several trumpet exercises examples and more: Trumpet Exercises
Trumpet Tips
    - Exploring Pedal Tones
YouTube video: Exploring Pedal Tones (Pedal C to Double C) Trumpet Tips & Tricks with Charlie Porter
Trumpet Tips
    - various articulations
Here is an image of various trumpet articulations
Trumpet Tips
    - ghost-tongue
This page offers tips on playing with a "ghost-tongue" style: Using a Ghost-Tongue
Trumpet Tips
    - flutter tongue
This page offers tips on playing with a "flutter tongue": Using a Flutter Tongue
Trumpet Tips
    - playing with braces
This page offers tips on playing with braces: "So You Got Braces" (.pdf file)

    - Trumpet Upgrade
This page shows information on purchasing a pro quality trumpet: Purchasing a Pro Quality Trumpet
    - The C Trumpet
YouTube video: The C Trumpet - Review and Discussion

Breathing: The Breathing Gym (TOC)       video (10:50)       Introduction (by Dr. Brian Shook)
Bobby Shew teaches Wedge Breathing for brass players (37:34)

The Embouchure: Embouchure eBook Revised (.pdf file)
Trumpet Embouchure Formation and Mouthpiece Placement (Dr. Brian Shook, YouTube video, 6:02)
How To Form a Trumpet (brasswind) Embouchure in Four Steps (Charlie Porter, YouTube video, 52:09)

Building Range: ------- (channel, YouTube video, -:--)
------- (channel, YouTube video, --:--)

Warming Up: Sachs - Daily Fundamentals for the Trumpet (suggested warm-up sequences) (.pdf file)
Warming Down!: Sachs - Daily Fundamentals for the Trumpet (warm-downs) (.pdf file)

Mouthpieces: Diagram of a Trumpet Mouthpiece, General mouthpiece chart, GR mouthpiece chart

Forum: TrumpetFORUM.com
Forum: TrumpetHerald.com
Forum: TrumpetBoards.com

Sight-Reading: Several examples to sight-read!

Forms: Form - Trumpet Intonation

Theory Related (to top)
Key Signatures: Learning Key Signatures (.pdf file)
One Minute Club: One Minute Club - Study Sheet (.pdf file) (updated version)
One Minute Club: Flash Cards (to print) (.pdf file)
More: Dynamic Levels in Music; Modes of Music (.pdf file); 4 Basic Chord Types (.pdf file); Chords and Their Positions (.pdf file); Circle of Fifths (.jpg image) (2, 3); Instrument Ranges (.pdf file); Learning Intervals (.pdf file); Learning Key Signatures (.pdf file); Main Scale Types (.pdf file); Ledger Lines (.pdf file) (examples); Ornaments (hellomusictheory.com); Musical Symbols (.jpg image); Roman Numeral Chords (.jpg file); Scales to Triads (Treble Clef) (.pdf file) (BC); Cadences in Music (plagal, half, authentic, deceptive) (musicnotes.com); So There! (plagal, half, authentic, deceptive) (.pdf file); Songs for interval recognition (.pdf file); Triads in Groups - Major (Treble Clef) (.pdf file) (BC); Working Transition Spots (.jpg file, .pdf file); Blind testing a 50 Pitch Difference (and smaller); Pencil marks on Bach Prelude

Trumpet History (top):
History of the Trumpet (per Standard of Excellence, Book 1)
Introducing the Baroque Trumpet with Alison Balsom | Classic FM (YouTube with Alison Balsom, 8:29)
Haunting Sound of the Carnyx: Horn of the Bronze Age; a wind instrument of the Iron Age Celts, used between c. 200 BC and c. AD 200 (YouTube, 2:14)
Cornu de Pompeii: Instrument built by María Ruíz and Abraham Cupeiro, based on the cornus found at Pompeii in the 19th century. (YouTube, 1:30)
Ancient conch shell: Ancient shell horn can still play a tune after 18,000 years! (AP page)
Trumpet Journey: Learn something about the trumpet today
Book: Fanfares and Finesse: A Performer's Guide to Trumpet History and Literature (Elisa Koehler)
Unlike the violin, which has flourished largely unchanged for close to four centuries, the trumpet has endured numerous changes in design and social status from the battlefield to the bandstand and ultimately to the concert hall. This colorful past is reflected in the arsenal of instruments a classical trumpeter employs during a performance, sometimes using no fewer than five in different keys and configurations to accurately reproduce music from the past. With the rise in historically inspired performances comes the necessity for trumpeters to know more about their instrument's heritage, its repertoire, and different performance practices for old music on new and period-specific instruments. More than just a history of the trumpet, this essential reference book is a comprehensive guide for musicians who bring that musical history to life.
Book: The Trumpet (Yale Musical Instrument Series) (John Wallace)
The story of the trumpet from prehistory to the present day, written by two of its outstanding performers and teachers

In the first major book devoted to the trumpet in more than two decades, John Wallace and Alexander McGrattan trace the surprising evolution and colorful performance history of one of the world's oldest instruments. They chart the introduction of the trumpet and its family into art music, and its rise to prominence as a solo instrument, from the Baroque "golden age," through the advent of valved brass instruments in the nineteenth century, and the trumpet's renaissance in the jazz age. The authors offer abundant insights into the trumpet's repertoire, with detailed analyses of works by Haydn, Handel, and Bach, and fresh material on the importance of jazz and influential jazz trumpeters for the reemergence of the trumpet as a solo instrument in classical music today.

Wallace and McGrattan draw on deep research, lifetimes of experience in performing and teaching the trumpet in its various forms, and numerous interviews to illuminate the trumpet's history, music, and players. Copiously illustrated with photographs, facsimiles, and music examples throughout, The Trumpet will enlighten and fascinate all performers and enthusiasts.
Book: A Timeline of Trumpets: Collecting the History of Modern Trumpets (Ron Berndt)
Trumpets have been a part of human culture since before there were humans. They have served as expressions of emotion, tools of the hunter-gatherer, tools of the warrior, and ultimately once again as a means of expressing that emotion from deep within the human soul that manifests as music. To look at how the trumpet has transformed in its role in human society is to look at how human society itself has transformed. And, as a material object once adapted from nature, but which took new forms as the successive technologies of metalworking, component sub-assembly fabrication, machining, high-force mechanical forming and ultimately automation transformed the abilities of humans to make objects for their use, it is a microcosm of human technological and socio-economic evolution. To collect and study examples of every form the trumpet has taken since the time when proto-human tools were limited to a choicely shaped rock up to the present day would be prohibitively expensive and practically impossible – as examples simply no longer exist. However, with cursory examination of the first 99% of said history, the evolution of the trumpet in modern times provides an excellent case study into how the forces of human cultural, religious, political, material and technological change interact with one another and manifest in a relatively simple and clearly defined element of our culture. Therefore, the bulk of what follows is focused on the piston valve trumpet and the time period during which chromatic trumpets rose to prominence in popular music, became ubiquitous in the schools following the advent of music education, and are now moving to a less prominent role once again as the popular genre moves into the age of electronic music. To that end, what follows is more a timeline of events and physical manifestations than a socio-cultural analysis - though the author has ventured to offer an opinion or ten along the way. The reader should feel free to question assertions made, and to treat this as an archeological data set as much as a history.
The Parasaurolophus dinosaur: the fancy crest (shape on head) was a trumpet! Experiments show the crest made a sound like elephants or whales.      per Dinosaur Oatmeal packet :)

The most distinctive feature of Parasaurolophus was the long, narrow, backward-curving crest that grew out of the back of its skull. Recently, a team of paleontologists computer-modeled this crest from various fossil specimens and fed it with a virtual blast of air. Lo and behold, the simulated crest produced a deep, resonating sound--evidence that Parasaurolophus evolved its cranial ornament in order to communicate with other members of the herd.
(per "https://www.thoughtco.com/things-to-know-parasaurolophus-1093795")

Trumpet Duets! (top):
Great duets for 2 trumpets (including beginner, intermediate, and more advanced)

Great JAZZ duets for 2 trumpets (including beginner, intermediate, and more advanced)

Trumpet Repertoire (top):

Daily Warm-ups: Technical Exercises and Scales
     (includes exercises by Rubank, Clark, Arban, and more)

Scales - all Majors (with valve combinations)

Scales - all Majors, up one key down the next (audio)

Standard of Excellence (recommended pages)

Arban's - Intervals (page 125) (audio)



Bach - Partita 1 BWV 1002 (audio)
Standard of Excellence - Festival Solos Books 1 and 2 (audio)
Belwin Master Solos - Easy, Intermediate, Advanced (audio)
Baroque Music for Trumpet and Organ

Certificate of Merit (Technique charts): Level 1 Pieces for Trumpet and Piano (audio)
Level 2 Pieces for Trumpet and Piano (audio)
Level 3 Pieces for Trumpet and Piano (audio)
Level 4 Pieces for Trumpet and Piano (audio)
Level 5 Pieces for Trumpet and Piano (audio)
Level 6 Pieces for Trumpet and Piano (audio)
Level 7 Pieces for Trumpet and Piano (audio)
Level 8 Pieces for Trumpet and Piano (audio)
Level 9 Pieces for Trumpet and Piano (audio)
Level Adv Pieces for Trumpet and Piano (audio)
Level 1 Pieces (jazz) for Trumpet and CD accomp. (audio)
Level 2 Pieces (jazz) for Trumpet and CD accomp. (audio)
Level 3 Pieces (jazz) for Trumpet and CD accomp. (audio)
Level 4 Pieces (jazz) for Trumpet and CD accomp. (audio)
Level 5 Pieces (jazz) for Trumpet and CD accomp. (audio)
Level 6 Pieces (jazz) for Trumpet and CD accomp. (audio)
Level 7 Pieces (jazz) for Trumpet and CD accomp. (audio)
Level 8 Pieces (jazz) for Trumpet and CD accomp. (audio)
Level 9 Pieces (jazz) for Trumpet and CD accomp. (audio)
Level Adv Pieces (jazz) for Trumpet and CD accomp. (audio)

Vassily Brandt: Etudes for Trumpet (audio)

J. Guy Ropartz: Andante et Allegro (Phil Smith, trumpet) (smusic)

Malcolm Arnold: Fantasy for Trumpet, Op. 100 (Angela Whelan, trumpet)

J. Ed. Barat: Andante et Scherzo (Phil Smith, trumpet) (smusic)

Suites: Claude Bolling Toot Suite for Trumpet and Jazz Piano (Maurice Andre, Trumpet)
I - Allègre (for C Trumpet, Bb part available)
II - Mystique (for Eb Trumpet, Bb part available)
III - Rag-Polka (for Bb Cornet)
IV - Marche (for Bb Piccolo Trumpet)
V - Vespérale (for Bb Flugelhorn)
VI - Spirituelle (for Bb Piccolo Trumpet)

Sonatas and Concertos: Paul Hindemith Sonata for Trumpet and Piano (1st Movement) (Maurice Andre, Trumpet) (smusic)
Sonata for Trumpet and Piano (2nd Movement) (Maurice Andre, Trumpet) (smusic)
Sonata for Trumpet and Piano (3rd Movement) (Maurice Andre, Trumpet) (smusic)
G. Ph. Telemann Trumpet Sonata in D Major (Finale, YouTube 2:27)
(Maurice Andre, Trumpet; Budapest 1989)

Albinoni, Tomaso Trumpet Concerto in B-flat Major Op.7 No.3 (originally for Oboe) (Baldvin Oddsson, Trumpet)
Arutunian Trumpet Concerto (Sergei Nakariakov, Trumpet) (smusic)
Bach Brandenburg Concerto No. 2, I. Allegro (2009, Maurice Andre, Piccolo Trumpet) (smusic)
Bach Brandenburg Concerto No. 2, III. Allegro assai (1989, Maurice Andre, Piccolo Trumpet) (video) (smusic)
Haydn, Joseph Concerto in Eb Major (I. Allegro) (Maurice Andre, Trumpet) (smusic)
Hummel Trumpet Concerto (Maurice Andre, Trumpet) (smusic)
Neruda Trumpet Concerto (Vicente Olmos, Trumpet) (smusic)
Tartini Trumpet Concerto (Maurice Andre, Trumpet) (smusic)


Sheet music      Audio: cool video
Info: Abblasen is a trumpet fanfare attributed to Gottfried Reiche. In Haussmann's famous portrait of Reiche, he is seen holding a scrap of paper with two lines of melody written on it. Abblasen is a reconstruction of what appears to be on the manuscript in Haussmann's painting. There is no way of knowing if Reiche wrote the melody that appears in the painting, or indeed, to confirm that the version of Abblasen that is played today is an accurate transcription of the manuscript.

The piece is usually performed in the key of D, and it spans two octaves of the trumpet's range. A vinyl recording of a version by Don Smithers, played on an eight-foot baroque trumpet, was used as the theme song to the long-running CBS News Sunday Morning for almost 20 years until CBS opted to switch out the vinyl recording with a clearer digital recording performed by Doc Severinsen on a piccolo trumpet. Severinsen's version, which was noticeably not in the Baroque style, was later replaced by a recording by Wynton Marsalis. In 2021, CBS made "Abblasen" the theme for CBS Mornings, a retooling of the CBS This Morning show airing weekdays and Saturday (as CBS Saturday Morning), to connect it with the popular Sunday Morning show. Furthermore, it was used alongside CBS' five note jingle by Antfood.

Reiche composed 122 pieces entitled Abblasen-Stücken, but only one survived to the modern day. from Wikipedia

Sheet music      Video: "Taps" performed in Arlington National Cemetery (summer and winter)
Suggestions: perhaps use less vibrato than more; use two hands when using the trumpet or cornet.
Facts: - "Taps" was first played at Harrison's Landing, Virginia in July 1862.
- Within 9 months it was adopted by both the Union and the Confeerate Forces.
- In 1891 "Taps" became a standard component of U.S. Military Funerals.

Bugle Calls (from Boy Scouts booklet) (.pdf file)      Bugle Calls (webpage with sheet music and audio for each)

Video: Bugle Calls (YouTube)
    First Sergeant's Call - 0:00
    Officers call - 0:07
    Mail call - 0:17
    First call - 0:23
    Reveille - 0:33
    Assembly - 0:59
    Sick call - 1:11
    Drill call - 1:24
    Recall - 1:34
    Guard mounting - 1:45
    Adjutants call - 2:01
    Retreat - 2:16
    To the Color - 2:45
    Mess call - 3:27
    Tattoo - 3:42
    Call to Quarters - 4:41

Suggestions: ...
Facts: - Bugle Calls...
- ...
- ...

The Greatest Classical Trumpet Players! (top):
Maurice Andre
Sergio Mendez
Malcolm McNab
Adolph Herseth
Bernard Adelstein
Phillip Smith
David Krauss
Sergei Nakariakov
Hakan Hardengerger
Gerard Schwarz
Raymond Mase
Don Smithers*
    (recorded "Abblasen",
    sheet music)

Also see: Best Classical Trumpet Players In The World

click the image to see it larger

Piccolo Trumpet:
The smallest of the trumpet family is the piccolo trumpet, pitched one octave higher than the standard B♭ trumpet. Most piccolo trumpets are built to play in either B♭ or A, using a separate leadpipe for each key. The tubing in the B♭ piccolo trumpet is one-half the length of that in a standard B♭ trumpet. Piccolo trumpets in G, F, and even high C are also manufactured, but are rarer.

Great Female Trumpet Players!:
Clora Bryant (1927-2019)
Ernestine Carroll Davis (Tiny Davis) (1910-1994)
Cynthia Robinson (Sly and the Family Stone) (1944-2015)
Valaida Snow (1904-1956)

The Greatest Jazz Trumpet Players! (
Best Jazz Trumpet Players Ever
Some of the Best Jazz Trumpeters as Composers
Jazz Trumpet Solos - Audio Links (for my several books of jazz trumpet solo transcriptions, and for more transcriptions I have not in those books!)
Jazz Expressions Sheet (trumpet) (.pdf file)

Playing Lead Trumpet: Information on Playing Lead Trumpet
     (including: Aspects of Playing Lead Trumpet (via Eddie Lewis), list of the greatest lead players, and more)
Greatest Lead Trumpet Players: Page listing some of the greatest lead trumpet players and their associated bands
Sample Lead Trumpet Phrases: highest note=Bb, highest note=high C, highest note=high D, highest note=high Eb, highest note=high E, highest note=high F
Scales for lead trumpet players

12-Bar Blues: List of Blues Heads (sorted by concert key, .pdf file)
Jazz Standards: Sample Jazz Standard List (Bb parts)
Jazz Improv: Notes on Improvisation: ii-V-I vs. just playing over I

Jazz Lingo
Hepster Dictionary of Jive      (apassion4jazz.net)

Jazz Listening Worksheet (online form)
Jazz Listening Worksheet (.pdf file)
Downbeat Magazine - Blindfold tests

Fakebooks (in Bb):
Real Book 1 (in Bb) (.pdf file), Real Book 2 (in Bb) (.pdf file), Real Book 3 (in Bb) (.pdf file)

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